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  • 0bin - Client side encrypted pastebin. WTFPLPython
  • bepasty - A pastebin for all kinds of files. (源码) BSD-2-ClausePython
  • bin - a paste bin. WTFPL/0BSDRust
  • cryptonote - Simple open source web application that lets users encrypt and share messages that can only be read once. (源码) MITRuby
  • EdPaste - Self-hosted pastebin written in Laravel (PHP Framework). MITPHP
  • fiche - Command line pastebin, all you need is netcat. (演示) MITC
  • filite - A simple, light and standalone pastebin, URL shortener and file-sharing service. (演示) MITRust
  • Fugacious - Open source short-term secure messaging (OSSSM). (源码) CC0-1.0Ruby
  • hastebin - Open source pastebin written in node.js. (演示, 源码) MITNodejs
  • mojopaste - Perl based pastebin. (演示, 源码) Artistic-2.0Perl
  • NoteHub - Free and Hassle-free Pastebin for Markdown Pages. Simple, clean, password provided, generated-short link. MITNodejs
  • Paste - Paste is forked from the original source pastebin.com used before it was bought. (源码) GPL-3.0PHP
  • pastebin - Simple pastebin service with convenient api and CLI. (演示) MITGo
  • pastebin - Simple, fast, feature-rich, standalone pastebin service. MITRust
  • pb - Lightweight pastebin (and url shortener) built using flask. GPL-3.0Python
  • PrivateBin - PrivateBin is a minimalist, opensource online pastebin/discussion board where the server has zero knowledge of hosted data. (演示, 源码) ZlibPHP
  • PurritoBin - Ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin, where the server has no knowledge of the paste data. ISCC++
  • SharpPaste - Cross-platform C# pastebin with client-side AES-256 encryption that just works. MITC#/NancyFX
  • Snibox - Code snippets manager with attractive tag-oriented interface. (演示, 源码) MITRuby
  • snipt - Long-term memory for coders. Share and store code snippets. MITPython
  • SocksBin - Simple and fast terminal based pastebin, with optional code highlighting. No specific client required, all you need is netcat. 演示. GPL-3.0Python
  • Stikked - Advanced and beautiful pastebin. (演示) GPL-3.0PHP
  • Sup3rS3cretMes5age - Very simple (to deploy and to use) secret message service using Hashicorp Vault as a secrets storage. MITGo
wiki/自托管-展板.txt · 最后更改: 2022/10/02 16:08 由 呼啦
