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wiki:自托管软件列表 [2022/10/02 16:16] – [任务管理/任务清单] 呼啦wiki:自托管软件列表 [2022/10/02 16:24] – [搜索引擎] 呼啦
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 ===== 学习与课程 ===== ===== 学习与课程 =====
-  * [[https://www.canvaslms.com/|Canvas LMS]] - Canvas是值得信赖的开源学习理系统(LMS),它正在彻底改变我们的教育方式。 ([[https://canvas.instructure.com/register|演示]], [[https://github.com/instructure/canvas-lms|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Ruby'' +[[wiki:自托管-学习课程|学习课程]]
-  * [[https://chamilo.org/|Chamilo LMS]] - Chamilo LMS允许您创建虚拟校园,以提供在线或半在线培训。 ([[https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://www.edx.org/|edX]] - 开放式edX平台是edX.org的开源代码。 ([[https://github.com/edx/|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[http://www.ilias.de|ILIAS]] - 伊利亚斯是一个学习管理系统,可以处理你扔给它的任何东西。 ([[http://demo.ilias.de|演示]], [[https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://mahara.org/|Mahara]] - 开源全功能网络应用程序,用于构建学生电子档案。 ([[https://github.com/MaharaProject/mahara|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://moodle.org/|Moodle]] - Moodle是一个学习和课程平台,拥有全球最大的开源社区之一。 ([[https://moodle.org/demo/|演示]], [[https://git.moodle.org/gw|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://www.openeclass.org/|Open eClass]] - 开放式电子课堂是一种先进的电子学习解决方案,可以增强教学过程。 ([[http://demo.openeclass.org/|演示]], [[https://github.com/gunet/openeclass|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://www.openolat.com/?lang=en|OpenOLAT]] - OpenOLAT是一个基于网络的教学、教育、评估和交流学习管理系统。 ([[https://learn.olat.com|演示]], [[https://github.com/OpenOLAT/OpenOLAT|源码]]) ''Apache-2.0'',''Java'' +
-  * [[https://documen.tician.de/relate/|RELATE]] - RELATE是一个基于网络的课件包,包括灵活的规则、统计、多课程支持、课程日历等功能。 ([[https://github.com/inducer/relate|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://www.rosariosis.org/|RosarioSIS]] - RosarioSIS,学校管理的免费学生信息系统。 ([[https://www.rosariosis.org/demo/|演示]], [[https://gitlab.com/francoisjacquet/rosariosis/|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://www.sakaiproject.org/|Sakai]] - Sakai项目为教学、学习、研究和其他协作提供了一个灵活且功能丰富的环境。 ([[https://www.sakaiproject.org/try-sakai|演示]], [[https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai|源码]]) ''ECL-2.0'',''Java'' +
 ===== 媒体流 ===== ===== 媒体流 =====
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 [[wiki:自托管-媒体流|媒体流]] [[wiki:自托管-媒体流|媒体流]]
-===== 杂项/其他 ===== 
-  * [[https://github.com/etsy/411|411]] - Alert Management Web Application. ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Ardakilic/alerthub|AlertHub]]''⚠''  - AlertHub is a simple tool to get alerted from GitHub releases. ''MIT'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://anchr.io|Anchr]] - Anchr is a toolbox for tiny tasks on the internet, including bookmark collections, URL shortening and (encrypted) image uploads. ([[https://github.com/n1try/anchr|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/index.htm|Anuko]] - Anuko provides simple time and project tracking on a selfhosted basis. ([[https://timetracker.anuko.com/|演示]], [[https://github.com/anuko/timetracker|源码]]) ''Other'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[http://asciiflow.com/|asciiflow]] - Flow Diagram Drawing Tool. ([[https://github.com/lewish/asciiflow2|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''Java/JavaScript'' 
-  * [[https://blynk.io/|blynk]] - Platform with iOS and Android apps to control Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi and similar microcontroller boards over the Internet. ([[https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-server|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Java'' 
-  * [[https://cachethq.io/|Cachet]] - An open source status page system for everyone. ([[https://demo.cachethq.io/|演示]], [[https://github.com/CachetHQ/Cachet|源码]]) ''BSD-3-Clause'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/cstate/cstate/|cState]] - Static status page for hyperfast Hugo. Clean design, minimal JS, super light HTML/CSS, high customization, optional admin panel, read-only API, IE8+. Best used with Netlify, Docker. ([[https://cstate.mnts.lt/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''Go'' 
-  * [[https://www.cups.org/|CUPS]] - The Common Unix Print System uses Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) to support printing to local and network printers. ([[https://github.com/apple/cups|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''C'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/gchq/CyberChef|CyberChef]] - Perform all manner of ''cyber''  operations within a web browser such as AES, DES and Blowfish encryption and decryption, creating hexdumps, calculating hashes, and much more. ([[https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef|演示]]) ''Apache-2.0'',''JavaScript'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Icesofty/Digital-Currency|Digital-Currency]] - Create your own Self-Hosted Digital Currency. ([[https://tonken.glitch.me/|演示]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://domainmod.org|DomainMOD]] - Application to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location. DomainMOD includes a Data Warehouse framework that allows you to import your WHM/cPanel web server data so that you can view, export, and report on your data. ([[https://demo.domainmod.org|演示]], [[https://github.com/domainmod/domainmod|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/devfake/flox|Flox]]''⚠''  - Self hosted movie, TV series and anime watch list with a 3-point rating system. Uses The Movie Database backend for information. ([[https://flox-demo.pyxl.dev/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://formspree.io/|formspree]]''⚠''  - Just send your form to our URL and we'll forward it to your email. No PHP, Javascript or sign up required. ([[http://test.formspree.io/|演示]], [[https://github.com/formspree/formspree|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://geneweb.tuxfamily.org/wiki/GeneWeb|GeneWeb]] - GeneWeb is an open source genealogy software written in OCaml. It comes with a Web interface and can be used off-line or as a Web service. ([[https://demo.geneweb.tuxfamily.org/gw7/|演示]], [[https://github.com/geneweb/geneweb|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''OCAML'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/verifid/graph-vl|graph-vl]] - Identity document verification using Machine Learning and GraphQL. ''MIT'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/howsecureismypassword/hsimp|How Secure Is My Password]] - Rather than just saying a password is ''weak''  or ''strong'', How Secure is My Password? lets your users know how long it would take someone to crack their password. ([[https://howsecureismypassword.net/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''Javascript'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/majodev/google-webfonts-helper|google-webfonts-helper]]''⚠''  - Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets. ([[https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Algram/ytdl-webserver|ytdl-webserver]] - Docker-ready webserver for downloading youtube videos. ''MIT'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/inoda/journal|Journal]] - Simple journaling with encrypted entries and sharing capabilities. ''MIT'',''Ruby'' 
-  * [[http://www.kimai.org/|Kimai]] - Simple time and project tracking. ([[http://www.kimai.org/demo/|演示]], [[https://github.com/kimai/kimai|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/securestate/king-phisher|King Phisher]] - King Phisher is a tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks. ''BSD-3-Clause'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://codeberg.org/jlelse/MailyGo|MailyGo]] - MailyGo is a small tool written in Go that allows to send HTML forms, for example from static websites without a dynamic backend, via email. ''MIT'',''Go'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb|MindsDB]] - MindsDB is an open source self hosted AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries. ''GPL-3.0'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://monicahq.com/|Monica]] - Personal relationship manager, and a new kind of CRM to organize interactions with your friends and family. ([[https://github.com/monicahq/monica|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://musical-artifacts.com/|Musical Artifacts]] - Helping to catalog, preserve and free the artifacts you need to produce music. ([[https://github.com/lfzawacki/musical-artifacts|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Ruby'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Mechazawa/nnmm|nnmm]] - Super tiny pastebin/url minifier ''microservice''. ''Beerware'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://notica.us|Notica]] - Lets you send browser notifications from your terminal to your desktop or phone. No installation or registration is required. ([[https://github.com/tannercollin/Notica|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://ombi.io/|Ombi]] - A content request system for Plex/Emby, connects to SickRage, CouchPotato, Sonarr, with a growing feature set. ([[https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''C#'' 
-  * [[http://otranscribe.com/|oTranscribe]] - Free web app to take the pain out of transcribing recorded interviews. ([[https://github.com/oTranscribe/oTranscribe|源码]]) ''MIT'',''JavaScript'' 
-  * [[https://apacketofsweets.github.io/PassCheck/|PassCheck]] - A web application featuring some handy password tools, including a password generator, strength checker and HaveIBeenPwned breach checker. ([[https://github.com/apacketofsweets/PassCheck|源码]]) ''MIT'',''JavaScript'' 
-  * [[http://rxresu.me/|Reactive Resume]] - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. ([[https://rxresu.me/app/dashboard/|演示]], [[https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Docker/Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://releasebell.com/|ReleaseBell]] - Send release notifications for starred Github repos. ([[https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/releasebell|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://revealjs.com|revealjs]] - Framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. ([[https://revealjs.com/|演示]], [[https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js|源码]]) ''MIT'',''JavaScript'' 
-  * [[https://www.revive-adserver.com/|Revive Adserver]] - World's most popular free, open source ad serving system. Formerly known as OpenX Adserver and phpAdsNew. ([[https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0-or-later'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[http://sane-project.org/|SANE Network Scanning]] - Allow remote clients to access image acquisition devices (scanners) available on the local host. ([[http://www.sane-project.org/cvs.html|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''C'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/adriankumpf/teslamate|TeslaMate]] - A powerful data logger for Tesla vehicles. ''MIT'',''Elixir'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/swordbeta/trello-burndown|Trello Burndown]]''⚠''  - Easy to use SCRUM burndown chart for Trello boards. ''MIT'',''Go/Docker'' 
-  * [[http://www.vimbadmin.net/|ViMbAdmin]] - Provides a web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow mail administrators to easily manage domains, mailboxes and aliases. ([[http://www.vimbadmin.net/demo/auth/login|演示]], [[https://github.com/opensolutions/ViMbAdmin|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Finesse/web-fonts-repository|Web fonts repository]] - Simple webfont hosting. Google Fonts alternative for your own fonts. ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://www.webtrees.net|webtrees]] - Webtrees is the web's leading on-line collaborative genealogy application. ([[https://dev.webtrees.net/demo-stable/index.php?ctype=gedcom&ged=demo|演示]], [[https://github.com/fisharebest/webtrees|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
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 ===== 办公套件 ===== ===== 办公套件 =====
-  * [[https://www.collaboraoffice.com/code|Collabora Online Development Edition]] - Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) 是一款功能强大的基于 LibreOffice 的在线办公软件,支持所有主要的文档、电子表格和演示文件格式,您可以将其集成到您己的基础架构中。([[https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/online/|源码]]) ''MPL-2.0'',''C++'' +[[wiki:自托管-办公套件|办公套件]]
-  * [[https://cryptpad.fr/|CryptPad]] - CryptPad 是零知识实时协作编辑器(富文本、文件、源代码……)。 ([[https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Nodejs'' +
-  * [[https://ethercalc.org/|EtherCalc]] - 网络电子表格。 ([[https://github.com/audreyt/ethercalc|源码]]) ''CPAL-1.0/Other'',''Nodejs'' +
-  * [[http://etherpad.org/|Etherpad]] - Etherpad 是一个高度可定制的开源在线编辑器,提供真正实时的协作编辑。 ([[https://demo.sandstorm.io/appdemo/h37dm17aa89yrd8zuqpdn36p6zntumtv08fjpu8a8zrte7q1cn60|演示]], [[https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite|源码]]) ''Apache-2.0'',''Nodejs'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/gobby/gobby/wiki/Dedicated%20Server|Infinoted]] - Server for [[https://github.com/gobby/gobby/wiki|Gobby]], 多平台协作文本编辑器。 ([[https://github.com/gobby/gobby|源码]]) ''MIT'',''C++'' +
-  * [[https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/faq/server-opensource.aspx|ONLYOFFICE]] - 使您能够在一个地方管理文档、项目、团队和客户关系的办公套件。 ([[https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Nodejs'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/PHPOffice|PHPOffice]] - PHPOffice 包含允许从大多数办公套件中写入和读取文件的库。 ''LGPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://webodf.org/|WebODF]] - 用于查看和编辑[[开放文档格式]] (ODF) 文件的工具和库。 ([[https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''HTML5'' +
 ===== 展板 ===== ===== 展板 =====
 [[wiki:自托管-展板|展板]] [[wiki:自托管-展板|展板]]
-===== 个人仪表盘 ===== 
-参见 ** [[#监控方式|监控方式]] ** 
-  * [[https://github.com/cdubz/babybuddy|Baby Buddy]] - Helps caregivers track baby sleep, feedings, diaper changes, and tummy time. ([[https://babybuddy.herokuapp.com/|演示]]) ''BSD-2-Clause'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/rmountjoy92/DashMachine|DashMachine]] - Another web application bookmark dashboard, with fun features. ''GPL-3.0'',''Python'' 
-  * [[https://habitica.com/|Habitica]] - Habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. Previously called HabitRPG. ([[https://github.com/HabitRPG/habitrpg|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0/CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0/CC-BY-SA-3.0'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://heimdall.site/|Heimdall]] - Heimdall is an elegant solution to organise all your web applications. ([[https://github.com/linuxserver/Heimdall|源码]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://designedbyashw.in/test/hiccup/|Hiccup]] - A beautiful static homepage to get to your links and services quickly. It has built-in search, editing, PWA support and localstorage caching to easily organize your start page. ([[https://github.com/ashwin-pc/hiccup|源码]]) ''MIT'',''HTML5'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/tomershvueli/homepage|Homepage]] - Simple, standalone, self-hosted PHP page that is your window to your server and the web. ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer|Homer]] - A dead simple static homepage to expose your server services, with an easy yaml configuration and connectivity check. ''Apache-2.0'',''HTML5'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/causefx/Organizr|Organizr]] - Organizr aims to be your one stop shop for your Servers Frontend. ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Volmarg/personal-management-system|Personal management system]] - Central point for managing personal data (billings, payments, job holidays, notes etc.). ([[http://personal-management-system.pl/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/kutyla-philipp/simple-dash|simple-dash]] - A simple, fully responsive Dashboard to forward to the services of your choice. ([[https://kutyla-philipp.github.io/simple-dash/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''Javascript'' 
-  * [[http://allegro.tech/tipboard/|Tipboard]] - In-house, tasty, local dashboarding system. ([[https://github.com/allegro/tipboard|源码]]) ''Apache-2.0'',''Python'' 
-  * [[http://wger.de/|wger]] - Web-based personal workout, fitness and weight logger/tracker. It can also be used as a simple gym management utility and offers a full REST API as well. ([[http://wger.de|演示]], [[https://github.com/rolandgeider/wger|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' 
 ===== 摄影和录像画廊 ===== ===== 摄影和录像画廊 =====
-  * [[https://chevereto.com/free|Chevereto Free]] Powerful and fast image hosting script that allows you to create your very own full featured image hosting website in just minutes. ([[https://github.com/Chevereto/Chevereto-Free|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +[[wiki:自托管-摄影和录像画廊|摄影和录像画廊]]
-  * [[http://coppermine-gallery.net/|Coppermine]] - Multilingual photo gallery that integrates with various bulletin boards. Includes upload approval and password protected albums. ([[http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg15x/|演示]], [[https://github.com/coppermine-gallery/cpg1.6.x|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://cumulusclips.org/|CumulusClips]] - Your own video sharing website with CumulusClips video sharing script. You can build a YouTube clone where users can upload, rate, comment on videos, and much more. ([[http://demo.cumulusclips.org/|演示]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/cbenning/fussel|Fussel]] - Fussel is a static photo gallery generator. Easily generate a reactive gallery and host the optimized static folder of assets. ''MIT'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://benschwarz.github.io/gallery-css/|Gallery CSS]] - Gallery.css is all CSS. Think: Simple, maintainable and understandable galleries without the use of Javascript. ([[https://github.com/benschwarz/gallery-css|源码]]) ''MIT'',''CSS'' +
-  * [[https://lycheeorg.github.io/|Lychee]] - Open source grid and album based photo-management-system. ([[https://github.com/LycheeOrg/Lychee|源码]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://mediagoblin.org|Mediagoblin]] - Free software media publishing platform that anyone can run. You can think of it as a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. ([[https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/mediagoblin|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/hooram/ownphotos|OwnPhotos]] - Self hosted wannabe Google Photos clone, with a slight focus on cool graphs. ''MIT'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/trebonius0/Photato|Photato]] - Self-hosted photo gallery, accessible through a responsive WebUI. Directly uses and indexes a specific folder in the filesystem. ''AGPL-3.0'',''Java'' +
-  * [[http://blog.zx2c4.com/567|Photofloat]] - Web 2.0 Photo Gallery Done Right via Static JSON and Dynamic Javascript. ([[http://photos.jasondonenfeld.com/|演示]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/thibaud-rohmer/PhotoLight|PhotoLight]] - The easiest photo gallery there is. ''GPL-3.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[https://photonix.org/|Photonix]] - A new web-based photo management application with object recognition, location awareness, color analysis and other ML algorithms. ([[https://demo.photonix.org/|演示]], [[https://github.com/damianmoore/photonix|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://photoprism.org|PhotoPrism]] - Personal photo management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow. Browse, organize, and share your personal photo collection, using the latest technologies to automatically tag and find pictures. ([[https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Go'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/maxvoltar/photo-stream|Photo Stream]] - Minimalist self-hosted photo stream. ([[https://maxvoltar.photo/|演示]]) ''MIT'',''Ruby'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/viktorstrate/photoview|Photoview]] - A simple and user-friendly Photo Gallery for personal servers. It is made for photographers and aims to provide an easy and fast way to navigate directories, with thousands of high resolution photos. ([[https://photos.qpqp.dk/|演示]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''Go'' +
-  * [[https://bpatrik.github.io/pigallery2/|PiGallery 2]] - A directory-first photo gallery website, with a rich UI, optimised for running on low resource servers. ([[https://pigallery2.herokuapp.com/|演示]], [[https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Docker/Nodejs'' +
-  * [[http://piwigo.org/|Piwigo]] - Photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. ([[http://piwigo.org/demo/|演示]], [[https://github.com/Piwigo/Piwigo|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://blog.plumi.org/|Plumi]] - Create your own sophisticated video-sharing site. ([[https://github.com/plumi/plumi.app|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://quruimageserver.com/|Quru Image Server]] - High performance dynamically resizing image server offering directory based access control cropping, rotation, color management and other tools. ([[https://quruimageserver.com|演示]], [[https://github.com/quru/qis|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/saimn/sigal|sigal]] - Yet another simple static gallery generator. ''MIT'',''Python'' +
-  * [[http://www.ubergallery.net|UberGallery]] - UberGallery is an easy to use, simple to manage, web photo gallery. UberGallery does not require a database and supports JPEG, GIF and PNG file types. Simply upload your images and UberGallery will automatically generate thumbnails and output HTML. ([[https://github.com/UberGallery/UberGallery|源码]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' +
-  * [[http://www.zenphoto.org/|Zenphoto]] - Open-source gallery and CMS project. ([[https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' +
 ===== 民意调查和活动 ===== ===== 民意调查和活动 =====
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-===== 稍后阅读 ===== 
-  * [[http://keeper.nunux.org/|Nunux Keeper]] - Your personal content curation service. ([[https://github.com/ncarlier/nunux-keeper|源码]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''Nodejs'' 
-  * [[https://readflow.app|Readflow]] - Lightweight news reader with modern interface and features: full-text search, automatic categorization, archiving, offline support, notifications… ([[https://github.com/ncarlier/readflow|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Go'' 
-  * [[https://www.wallabag.org|Wallabag]] - Wallabag, formerly Poche, is a web application allowing you to save articles to read them later with improved readability. ([[https://app.wallabag.it/register/|演示]], [[https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag|源码]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-===== 资源规划 ===== 
-  * [[http://farmos.org/|farmOS]] - Web-based farm record keeping application. ([[https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://grocy.info/|grocy]] - ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. ([[https://en.demo.grocy.info/|演示]], [[https://github.com/grocy/grocy|源码]]) ''MIT'',''PHP'' 
-  * [[https://github.com/Tanibox/tania-core|Tania]] - Tania is a free and open source farming management system for everyone. You can manage your areas, reservoirs, farm tasks, inventories, and the crop growing progress. ''Apache-2.0'',''Go'' 
 ===== 搜索引擎 ===== ===== 搜索引擎 =====
-  * [[https://ambar.cloud|Ambar]] 文档搜索引擎(OCR、存储和搜索)。 ([[https://app.ambar.cloud/|演示]], [[https://github.com/RD17/ambar|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Nodejs/Python'' +[[wiki:自托管-搜索引擎|搜索引擎]]
-  * [[http://www.gigablast.com/|Gigablast]] - 开源搜索引擎。 ([[https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine|源码]]) ''Apache-2.0'',''C++'' +
-  * [[https://meilisearch.com|MeiliSearch]] - 超相关、即时且容错的全文搜索 API。 ([[https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch|源码]]) ''MIT'',''Rust'' +
-  * [[https://asciimoo.github.io/searx/|Searx]] - 尊重隐私,可破解的元搜索引擎。([[https://searx.me/|演示]], [[https://github.com/asciimoo/searx|源码]]) ''AGPL-3.0'',''Python'' +
-  * [[https://github.com/simon987/sist2|sist2]] - 闪电般快速的文件系统索引器和搜索工具。([[https://sist2.simon987.net/|演示]]) ''GPL-3.0'',''C'' +
-  * [[http://yacy.net/en/index.html|Yacy]] - 基于对等的分散式搜索引擎服务器。 ([[http://search.yacy.net/|演示]], [[https://github.com/yacy/yacy_search_server|源码]]) ''GPL-2.0'',''Java'' +
 ===== 软件开发 ===== ===== 软件开发 =====
 [[wiki:自托管-软件开发|软件开发]] [[wiki:自托管-软件开发|软件开发]]
-===== 任务管理/任务清单 =====+===== 任务清单 =====
 ** 同时参见[[#项目管理|项目管理]]和[[#通知单|通知单]]。 ** ** 同时参见[[#项目管理|项目管理]]和[[#通知单|通知单]]。 **
wiki/自托管软件列表.txt · 最后更改: 2022/10/02 16:29 由 呼啦
