pb - Lightweight pastebin (and url shortener) built using flask. GPL-3.0,Python
PrivateBin - PrivateBin is a minimalist, opensource online pastebin/discussion board where the server has zero knowledge of hosted data. (演示, 源码) Zlib,PHP
PurritoBin - Ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin, where the server has no knowledge of the paste data. ISC,C++
SharpPaste - Cross-platform C# pastebin with client-side AES-256 encryption that just works. MIT,C#/NancyFX
snipt - Long-term memory for coders. Share and store code snippets. MIT,Python
SocksBin - Simple and fast terminal based pastebin, with optional code highlighting. No specific client required, all you need is netcat. 演示. GPL-3.0,Python
Stikked - Advanced and beautiful pastebin. (演示) GPL-3.0,PHP
Sup3rS3cretMes5age - Very simple (to deploy and to use) secret message service using Hashicorp Vault as a secrets storage. MIT,Go